When the course started I felt that our whole team was extremely excited from the project and the task ahead.
Now at the end of the project I honestly feel that that excitement and motivation for the course lasted till the end, and allowed us to be successful with our project.
In the early beginning we didn’t have that clear picture what we were expected to come up with, but with questioning, finding information and working hard we found what our task is.
Especially in the beginning I personally felt that I was very keen to get to the results, or to be more specific, wanted to find out what our product should be.
But now after the spring, I feel that besides that we were able to come up with some unique and marvellous product, from personal level the main lesson was how to work as a team, together with people with different study backgrounds and from different cultures.
By having been working in multicultural groups previously, I knew that every group is unique, as every person.
End of the day it may seem like that the main issue with this kind of a project is how we get to the results, and what kind of results. But at the same time project work and its succeeding is totally dependent on how well the team is working together. Like it has been said, “the chain is as strong as its weakest link”. So in order to get the team working, the group dynamics have to work and every person of the group have to give everything for the group.
The most positive thing of this course that I got was to be creating something new while at the same broadening my perspective, particularly what there is and could be done in order to improve the quality if life in developing countries.
And the other most important positive thing was the ability to learn more about team working, almost as if in real business case.
This course gave me more inspiration how to see technology as a helping tool, when solving the problems that billions of people are facing daily. So I applied and was allowed to attend to this new Aalto multidisciplinary project, where our group of four people should find solution to demanding water issue in Burkina Faso…
So in a way, my learning from this course's perspective will continue immediately after Solar Sail project, and I hope that same will happen to all the others.
THANK YOU, my fellow students and the course personel, from interesting & inspiring course!