Monday, February 1, 2010

Participatory Methods 2

Our second session with Dr. Paula Siitonen was a kind of unusual and, ofcourse,entertaining. I was facilitator in some group, and it was something demanding than just participation. At last I was thinking that, it would be better that rather than one person going to facilitate another project whom s/he is new for, why not one group member take his own project to be evaluated (or commented) by other groups? Actually there could be a variety of settings. The overall output is to encourage particpation within group members.
The second part of the session was defining fundamental objectives, means to achieve the objectives, indicators and alternatives in case of failure, and presenting our objectives to the class. We had a better practical group dynamics than other classes.
At last, we had a short meeting with our mentor Lionel Reya to discuss on the progress of our project plan. Due to differences among group members, on how to proceed we are going to revise our project plan. We just departed by fixing a meeting session on Tuesday at 2:30PM, at Maarintalo.

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